Cramming For Exams – A Bad Idea

Cramming for Exams – A Bad Idea
By Shelly Koren

Everyone has been confronted during their schooling with a difficult decision to make:   To study early for exams, or to watch another episode of their favourite Tv show.   It is definitely a hard decision to make, especially when exams seem so far away that you have enough time to watch your favourite show, go out for dinner, go to the mall, and still make time for a hot chocolate with friends. Unfortunately, time management is a skill that is forced upon every student, especially in high school going on to university.

Although cramming may seem like the most effective way to get all the information in at the same time, researchers such as UCLA professor of psychiatry Andrew J. Fuligni, and UCLA graduate student Cari Gillen-O’neel have studied the topic extensively, maintaining that no matter the context cramming is counterproductive. They further claim that despite a students’ effort to create a consistent study plan, if they sacrifice sleep to create more time to study they will likely have difficulties with their academics the following day.

Fuligni states that when students first start high school they usually sleep about 7.6 hours per night. This declines to 7.3 hours in tenth grade, 7.0 hours in their eleventh grade, and at their last grade of high school it is at about 6.9 hours.Fuligni suggests that this could be because the students don’t create a schedule to organize their time, and they fall behind in their studies leading them to shorten the amount of time they sleep.

Student such as Marianne Lerndin, a fourth year university student describes her first years at university to be incredibly difficult because of her inability to create a healthy consistent schedule to balance school work and a social life.

“When I first started university I was expecting a similar amount of assigned work like in high school, so I wouldn’t do all of my readings and I would fall behind. Because of that during exams I would have to read chapters upon chapters and then also find time to write my essays. When I studied throughout the night I thought I was grasping the information, but two minutes later I would go over the work again and I wouldn’t remember it at all! My marks really took a hit from my poor sleep schedule. I always make sure I have about eight hours of sleep before an exam now, and I do all of my studying and essay work during the day in order to achieve that”
Fuligni suggests that Marianne’s method of studying is the most effective, as it tends to lead to higher grades. Academic success depends on eliminating distractions, as it is important to maintain a proper sleep schedule. It is important to use school time as effectively and efficiently as possible and scheduling in break time during the day so there is an equal balance of work and relaxation.

Information About The EQAO

The EQAO exams which stands for Education Quality and Accountability Office is a test that aims to discover what level students are in based on their grade. These tests include reading, writing, and mathematics, which can be stressful for a student if they do not feel secure in a particular subject.

The EQAO tests are rated through a number scale, 1 being that their skills are below the provincial standard, 2 being that they are close to the standard, 3 is when they are meeting the provincial standard and 4 means that the individual has surpassed said standard. While the student may feel pressure to attain a level 4 on the EQAO it is important to remind your child that this grade does not change their average in the class, or affect their ability to advance to postsecondary education.

Edward Richards, a previous marker of the EQAO exams emphasizes that what is being tested during the EQAO exams is an extension of what is being to the students regularly, and it should therefore not cause excessive stress to either student or parent.

“Most teachers provide preparation lessons in order to boost confidence. Students should not be surprised by any content that appears on EQAO exams if they take the time to understand the structure and content. Similar to any test/exam the best way to prepare is to study the content well in advance and to focus on the areas of difficulty. Teachers are more than willing to help students prepare for the EQAO exams and have many resources to help students succeed”

If you find that your child is not confident for their upcoming EQAO exam it is important to visit their teacher, because they may be able to explain why your child is feeling tension in particular areas of their education. Also remind your child that this test only informs the teacher if they should change their teaching style, which will ultimately be beneficial for their learning experience.

If your child is still feeling anxiety regarding the EQAO test you can visit the EQAO website, and work on practice tests with your child so you are being proactive in your support. If you find that your effort is not sufficient in motivating your child for the EQAO test it may be helpful to find in home tutors in your area so that your child can develop their confidence while you are nearby if they require any further assistance with the tutor. The Tutoring Expert provides experienced tutors who can help prepare your child for the EQAO. Richards maintains that the EQAO exams should not add stress to your child, but it is still necessary as a parent to make sure they are comfortable with the upcoming exam.

“Parents should be involved in all aspects of their child's learning process and provide the best support and encouragement possible. Demonstrating an active interest in their child's success and to have some understanding of what their child needs to learn in order to achieve such success is beneficial for their education as well social and professional lives. As a result,parents should be aware of the content and structure of the EQAO exam in order to help best prepare their child for the exam”

By Shelly Koren