Math Tutoring in Oakville, Ontario
Math has many levels and focuses. No matter what level of education your child is currently at, our Oakville-area Math Tutors can get them up to speed.
Elementary Math Tutoring Services
Our Oakville tutors ensure the Math fundamentals and concepts are clearly understood for the appropriate age and grade level. Homework help and customized instruction.
Grade 12 Math
We offer support with Grade 12 Advanced Functions, Data Management, and Calculus and Vectors. In-person tutoring services at this level are geared towards concept reinforcements, and test preparation for upcoming post-secondary education and aptitude tests.
High-School Math Tutoring Services
Confidence building, expanding concepts, and understanding key formulas and fundamentals are the pillars of Math tutoring at this level. Progress tracking and communication with parents is also important at this stage.
University & College Math
Advanced topics in Math such as Calculus and Algebra are also offered. Coursework support, test preparation, and study strategies are key elements of success. Our Math tutors can also assist with research and essay assignments.
Our Tutors Currently Study or Have Graduated from

Professional Math Tutors in Oakville Help Kids Excel
Our carefully selected roster of Math tutors in Oakville are excellent at what they do. Every day they create bespoke learning lessons tailored to their student’s unique style, strengths, and weaknesses.
What sets our Math tutors apart
The Tutoring Expert’s Math teachers are well-versed in the latest techniques, methods, and what is needed to excel at your child’s specific level in their education journey.
From Elementary School Math to University Math, Calculus to Algebra, our Tutors in Oakville provide easy-to-understand subject matter that gradually builds upon what is learned so it never seems intimidating or too much.
Our Tutors can visit your child in-person, depending on your location in the Oakville area, or we can provide instruction with engaging online learning tools remotely.
Private Math Tutoring with The Tutoring Expert
1 on 1 Sessions
Students receive quality time and attention with their unique academic requirements
Tutor Match Guarantee
We are happy to rematch with a different tutor if your goals are not being met
Experienced Tutors
A unique and much sought-after team of hand picked experienced tutors, with a flair and passion for teaching
Free Session
Not sure if we are the right fit for you? No worries! Schedule a Complimentary meet and greet with your assigned tutor
Fast and Convenient
We understand time is of the essence when it comes to finding the right academic partner. We endeavor to match our students within 48 hours of a completed registration.
Weekly dedicated Sessions
Our tutors secure a dedicated time slot to ensure our clients have a reliable and dependable availability
Recommended by 
The Tutoring Expert is highly recommended by our clients to other parents
See what Oakville Parents just like you thought of our Math Tutors

Kelly Z.
North York
My daughter is in grade 4 and was struggling with Math and Writing skills. We were introduced to a lovely tutor who has given my daughter her confidence back, she is thriving in both subjects. Thank you Tutoring Expert. – Kelly Z.

Ian B.
My experience with The Tutoring Expert has been excellent. They quickly matched us with a great tutor. Communication has also been very good. Their excellent tutor has helped my daughter (5th grade) develop more confidence in her math work. – Ian B.

Tamara M.
I found that their response time from answering my call to having a tutor ready for my daughter was amazingly fast. The Tutor was for Grade 10 Science + Math, she was super 🙂 – Tamara M.

Sylvia L.
Nihta has been a great help in tutoring my daughter in grade 6 math. My Daughter struggles with ADHD as well as a learning disability and Nihta has been able to find a way to explain things and get through to her in a way that no one has been able to in the past. My daughter is more confident and it shows in her work. Thank you Tutoring Expert! – Sylvia L.
Our Fees – Your Investment
Since 2001, we have earned ourselves a reputation of being the most highly referred math tutoring services in Oakville.
Move the needle on academic achievement and help improve student motivation, commitment and engagement in learning.
We know Oakville is a large city and providing quality in-home and online tutoring services in all areas of Oakville is our goal. Give us a call and we will match your child with one of our private tutors in any Oakville neighbourhood.

We offer Tutoring for Oakville in the following Subjects
Math Tutor in Oakville
Advanced Functions Tutor in Oakville
Calculus & Vectors Tutor in Oakville
English Tutor in Oakville
French Tutor in Oakville
Science Tutor in Oakville
Chemistry Tutor in Oakville
Physics Tutor in Oakville
Biology Tutor in Oakville
College & University Tutor in Oakville