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Session Details

Preferred day/s and time

Using charts, notes, videos, and flash cards
Visualizing or picturing words and concepts
Writing out everything when reviewing
Listening to lectures and tapes
Summarizing readings and then reciting the summary out loud
Talking to others when reviewing
Making study sheets and writing facts out several times
Associating class material with real-world things or occurrences
Role playing

Session Details

Preferred day/s and time

Using charts, notes, videos, and flash cards
Visualizing or picturing words and concepts
Writing out everything when reviewing
Listening to lectures and tapes
Summarizing readings and then reciting the summary out loud
Talking to others when reviewing
Making study sheets and writing facts out several times
Associating class material with real-world things or occurrences
Role playing

What are the primary reasons for requesting tutoring?.

Things you are very good at in the subject(s) you require tutoring.

List 2 things you struggle with in this subject.

List two things you need help with in the first session. (Be as specific as possible).

Select the resources that are available to you for this subject?

Select the skill or habit that needs improvement.

Please provide any additional information that will assist in meeting the learning needs of the student and making the tutoring experience enjoyable.

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