5 Tips to Optimize March Break with Help from an Expert Tutor

March break can be an excellent opportunity for students to catch up on coursework and set themselves up for success for the remainder of the school term. With the help of private 1-on-1 tutoring, students can use this time to review material, work on assignments, and prepare for upcoming tests and exams. At The Tutoring Expert, our experienced and qualified tutors aim to help students stay on track and achieve academic success with English, French, Science, and Math tutoring sessions in Toronto, Mississauga, North York, Oakville, Richmond Hill, Markham, and beyond.

5 ways to use March break effectively to catch up, set a learning plan, and get ahead with the help of an expert tutor:

  • Assess your child’s progress: Before you can create an effective learning plan for the March break, you need to assess your child’s progress. Look at their grades, assignments, and any upcoming tests or projects. Identify areas where your child may be struggling or falling behind, and prioritize those areas for March break. Talk to their teacher or tutor to get a clear understanding of their progress and any areas that need improvement.

  • Set goals: Once you’ve identified areas that need improvement, it’s important to set specific, measurable goals. Encourage your child to think about what they want to achieve during March break, and help them set goals that are realistic and achievable. This can help them stay motivated and focused on their learning.

  • Use online resources: Online English, Science, and Math tutors can be incredibly helpful for students who are struggling with specific subjects and concepts. Look for websites or apps that offer interactive exercises, videos, and quizzes that can reinforce what your child has learned in class. An online math tutor can be especially helpful for students who need extra support in this subject.

  • Work with a private tutor: Private tutoring, 1-on-1 tutoring, in particular, can provide personalized feedback and support that can help your child succeed. A private tutor from The Tutoring Expert can work with your child during March break to help them review material, complete assignments, and prepare for tests or exams. They can also provide ongoing support throughout the school term.

  • Create a schedule: A well-planned schedule can help your child stay focused and productive during the March break. Make sure to include time for academic work, physical activity, and leisure activities. Break the day into manageable chunks and plan specific activities for each block of time. Make sure to include breaks to prevent burnout and keep your child motivated.

With these tips, parents can help their child make the most of the March break and set out a learning plan for the remainder of the school term. By using a private English, Science, and Math tutor, students can catch up on coursework and get ahead in their studies.

Currently, The Tutoring Expert is providing online math tutoring and in-home tutoring in Toronto, North York, Mississauga, Markham, Richmond Hill, Oakville, and most other cities in Southwestern Ontario.

How Parents Working Remotely Can Use Supplemental Tutoring Services

Now, as some countries have decided to reopen schools for distance or hybrid education, it is mandatory to ensure that schools not only teach students properly, but also make up for the loss students have faced due to the closures of schools during the Covid-19 shutdown.

One way to help students, especially children who have been left behind in their studies because their parents are working remotely or cannot help them due to lack of training, is to provide them with extra educational help to overcome their losses so they can reach the same level as their fellow students. Some parents choose accredited tutoring services for their children because they have a resolute faith that these classes have credentialed tutors who are aware of what their children lack in terms of knowledge.

Parents, if you think that your child is not getting the grades they are capable of getting, then you can start looking for an accredited supplemental tutoring service. But before choosing a tutoring service, you should keep a few things in mind.

The tutors who will assist your child throughout the accredited supplemental training should be flexible, adjustable and versatile. The service should increase your child’s self-confidence and morale by making them feel that they can achieve what their fellow students are achieving in terms of studies. Your child should not feel less intelligent because they are attending these extra classes or because they need extra care and attention, and the tutors should not discourage your child either for being left behind in their studies or for being slower in learning new concepts as compared to other children.

Try to understand exactly what your child is going through, and look for a tutoring service that is willing to discuss the problems your child is facing in their studies. If your child is not able to understand even simpler concepts, then instead of being hard on them, find out what the problem is. Many students have IEPs or 504 plans nowadays and are taught in different and special ways by experts who are trained to help such students.

You should visit the environment of the tutoring service yourself at least once in order to see whether it will make your child feel comfortable to learn without any kind of fear or pressure. You should also meet with the credentialed instructors once a week or once a month to pinpoint the subjects in which your child’s performance is weak so that you can decide whether your child needs tutoring services for all courses or one specific course. Keep in mind that one course could affect your child’s performance in other courses as well.

Adequate supplemental tutoring services can not only benefit students in a variety of ways, but they can also be advantageous for parents who are not able to help their children with schooling and learning because they are working. Even if these parents work from home and try to dig out some time to help their kids with their tasks and homework, parents still might not be able to provide the level of assistance necessary for their children to increase their skills and learning proficiency. Supplemental tutoring services mean the responsibility for training the kids can be shared with experts who know what the students lack and where they need more attention. Although services are available in most regions in the U.S. and other countries, students can also attend their supplemental tutoring sessions online or after their schoolwork to receive additional academic coaching so they can perform better in their classes.

These tutoring services don’t have to create a hole in parents’ pockets. Some are affordable and offer flexible payment plans. On a large scale, this can benefit all students. The more educated and skilled the students of a country become, the more the country’s economy can develop.

My final verdict is that students are the future, and their knowledge will determine how they deal with the issues of the coming years. As parents who work remotely or run their own businesses cope with the new standards of society, their children are at risk of falling behind in many aspects of their lives — and education is one of the most prominent areas. These tips can assist you in choosing an accredited supplemental tutoring service to help your children excel in their studies once schools reopen.

4 Current Affairs Podcasts for Curious Children

Daily, biweekly and weekly shows deliver kids the news at their level, and help contextualize the world around them.

What do children make of the day’s headlines? The endless deluge of news is staggering and tough to get a handle on, even for grown-ups. And with disinformation packaged as journalism rampant on social media, there is an urgent need to help kids tell the difference between truth and propaganda. These news podcasts are perfect for young people seeking a better understanding of what the adults are fussing about and for parents who want to help their children learn how to engage critically with the world around them.

Want to develop a daily news habit in your children? “KidNuz” is what NPR’s “Up First” might sound like if its target audience was 14 and under. Without any of the whacky bells and entrancing whistles that can often give children’s programming a cartoonish quality, the broadcast journalists behind this podcast deliver accessible summaries of the news of the day. Every weekday morning, expect a seven-minute episode filled with age-appropriate stories from the world of politics, science, sports and entertainment. Each report ends with a flash quiz on the details delivered in the episode to encourage close listening, and the website features plenty of resources for educators and parents to keep the learning going.

In 10 minutes or less, the episodes of this current affairs show feature “the stuff grown-ups are talking about, explained, and way more fun.” “The Ten News” tackles things like Supreme Court nominations, the Postal Service, presidential debates, poll worker shortages and the gender pay gap in sports. The host, Bethany Van Delft, breaks down the topic du jour to the basics, giving preteens the background they need to understand why that day’s news matters as well as the context to better help them develop informed opinions of their own. New episodes air every Tuesday and Thursday.

IN HER WORDS: Where women rule the headlines.

In each weekly episode, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reporter Ruby Cornish counts down five news stories with the aid of preschoolers whom she calls her “news helpers.” While the show focuses mostly on the lighter headlines for 6-year-olds and under (think awesome animals and young inventors), it also offers deft summaries of the world’s more serious stories. But the show’s real strength is in how it lets kids explain the big news of the day from their own points of view. For example, in June, “News Time” gave a breakdown of the Black Lives Matter protests that was delivered by the news helpers themselves, who explained in their own words what the words protest, racism and movement mean to them. The show still manages to be full of silliness and surprise and encourages curiosity in the world around young ones.

How do you raise a judicious consumer of journalism in the golden age of misinformation? You get a sassy robot to host a fact-or-fiction game show, of course. Every week on “The Big Fib,” a show for ages 7 to 12, the robot L.I.S.A. (“Live In-Studio Audience”) and Deborah Goldstein, the show’s co-host and executive producer, introduce a young contestant of the week to two adults, both claiming to be experts in a particular subject. But one is an impostor. The players must weigh the information given to them, ask smart questions and use reasoning skills to determine who is the real expert and who is the liar. The podcast, previously known as “Pants on Fire,” keeps the subject matter fun and family-friendly. Topics have included “Bread,” “Hip Hop,” “Puzzles” and a perennial kid favorite, “Toilets,” in which a 9-year-old named Theo has to figure out whether a civil engineer named Gloria really created a solar-powered toilet, or if the other grown-up in the hot seat, Joe, is really an expert plumber. It’s a goofy premise that nevertheless shows children how to be good skeptics and equips them with the critical-thinking tools they need to interpret the world around them.

WATCH — How this autistic teen stays focused while learning online

High school student staying home to protect family from coronavirus

Clara Kirby-McIntosh relies on her routines to help her meet her goals.

Now, because of COVID-19, the 18-year-old is doing her final year of high school online at home in Mississauga, Ontario.

Because she’s autistic, she’s had to find new ways to keep up her routine or she’ll fall behind.

“I can already tell [this] is going to be a major struggle for me this year.”    – Clara Kirby-McIntosh

Clara’s mom and dad both have diabetes.

Their immune systems are compromised, which makes them at risk of a more serious illness if they get COVID-19.

“It’s not a risk I could take,” she said about the idea of doing school in-person.

But changing to at-home learning has made it harder to keep up some of those routines that matter to her.

Watch Clara’s video on what it’s like to learn from home during COVID-19:

Laying out a plan for the day

To stay on track, Clara recently discovered that Picture Exchange Communication (PEC) cards help her plan her day.

They’re a tool some kids on the autism spectrum use to help communicate and organize their needs and feelings.

A schedule with items like, makeup, skin care, study, law class, lunch

Clara’s PEC cards have velcro on the back so she can move them around, depending on what her routine needs to be on any given day. (Image submitted by Clara Kirby-McIntosh)

But there are other challenges that have been harder to overcome.

For Clara, it’s hard to learn new ideas quickly and she needs time to let thoughts sink in.

But because of COVID-19, many high school schedules have changed to be more fast-paced.

Clara started the term taking two classes each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

After a few days, she decided to drop one due to the workload.

“I can already tell that is going to be a major struggle for me this year,” she said.

Making friends online

Clara misses having lunch with her friends and seeing them in school.

But she has made new study groups with her online classmates.

Her parents have also said it will still be safe for her to see some of her friends if they wear masks and stay physically distant.

A teen sitting at a desk with a computer

Clara’s desk is in her bedroom, right beside her bed. (Image submitted by Clara Kirby-McIntosh)

Class of COVID-19

It’s not how Clara expected her last year of high school to go.

“It sucks not being able to have my senior year like I normally would,” she said.

“But things are different. And there’s not really anything we can do about it.”